High Fructose Corn Syrup... I know you are all just dying to find out what I have to say about Britney's new album and concert, but that will just have to wait (the verdict is still out even though, we all know where I will side)... Anyway, tonight's blog is about my love for Betty Crocker and her amazing talents when it comes to make junk food with High Fructose Corn Syrup. So, I want to say thank you Betty. My personal favorite is Gushers. Do you know who else likes gushers? Hilary (no hugs please) Duff.... This is what she had to say about them (try to make sense of the transcript and keep in mind that she was probably 14 at the time:Hilary: I really like these candies.
It’s really bad for you, they’re called “gushers,” and they’re, like, filled
with this liquid stuff, and they’re really, like –
Conan: Is it a gum, or just a candy?
Hilary: No, it’s — it’s like, it comes in a package, and it’s got,
like, little, it’s not like candy, but it’s definitely not good for you.
It’s like, gummy-type –
And that my friends is what a gusher is ... liquid gummy candy. So, instead of filling stockings with traditional candy, why not fill them with something that has some fruit (pears from concentrate and grape juice from concentrate). I promise you won't be disappointed.