21 October 2008


Britney's Back!... For all of you haters out there (especially those that were hatin during the hatin period)... Britney is back and she's on top... Number 1 on Billboard Hot 100 (making a record jump from #96), Number 1 single on iTunes, Number 1 Video Download on iTunes. That's all I got to say....

15 October 2008


Things that aren't funny... Well, for one, "The funnies." Why they are even get the distinction of "the funnies" is really beyond anything I can figure out. To some degree, it even disturbs me, because I am left thinking... "wow, someone out there is laughing at this??..I wonder who?" What makes this particular "funny" ironic... is the fact that the title is "F Minus." My sister refers to unfortunate events with the curse "F MINUS!!" So, in effect, this "funny" is actually deserving of an F Minus grade.

Another item that isn't funny and to some degree makes me want to puke is the tongue-and-cheek-look-at-modern-Mormon-life blog titled "Seriously, So Blessed." My other sister asked if I would check it out and find out why it is sooo incredibly popular... To that, I say... I have no idea... My guesses are: There are actually Mormon women out there that actually see themselves in the silly and retarded things that she carciturizes??? Ladies, if this is the case, please go out for a run and take a look outside. This "seriously, so blessed" blog is absolute trash, and what is even worse is that for every click you do on that blog, the he-she-Mormon-blog-phantom gets money.... THAT'S SICK!! Sure, he-she is out there blogging thinking to her-him self... I am so witty and people pay me for it... Don't let him-her think that!!

Oh, and to my sister who asked me to take a look at it......it is NOT funny... The-he-she-mormon-blog-phantom is on my (those we don't speak of) list.... Bad list to be on... sad for them.

14 October 2008


Happy Birthday Dad... I really wasn't going to do this because I have had about enough emotions for one week's time. However, My sister requested (sort of) and I can't refuse (and no, I didn't forget).
This will probably go down as one of the oddest Birthdays for my father that he isn't here for. The scan tonight is from my dad's favorite books... the scriptures. I have never met someone with such passion for learning as my dad has. I mean, I like to learn, but he likes to learn about things that really matter. Another great thing about my dad, is his unwavering faith and helpfulness. He'd do anything for anyone at anytime. He was very service oriented and fulfilled any assignment given to him to the fullest. But, as life seems to go, he isn't with us this Birthday... He isn't even here to tell us that he is actually one year older than he truly is, cuz that's what he does.

I thank you and I love you!

Here's to more birthdays Dad.

06 October 2008


Lauren Conrad... YOU ARE NOT FAMOUS!! Please stop pretending you are famous, cuz you are not! I have and will continue to scratch out your face and name out of every magazine, newspaper, mailing that ever comes through my house. I will continue to do this in hopes of forgetting your existence and that excuse for entertainment "The Hills." While on the topic of The Hills, what is the deal with that? I mean seriously, who are they kidding? I watched 10 min of that show the other night and I wanted to either throw the TV out the window or stab my eyes with some push pins. I urge all of you to discontinue the viewing of "The Hills" I would also ask you to join my quest to rid the world of Lauren Conrad.