24 September 2008


Happy Birthday Mom... Today is my Mom's Birthday. It is tradition in our family to post many a notes all around wishing a Happy Birthday. While celebrating with my family, I decided to steal a sign my sister had made... Good Job Sis (you remembered). My mom is a special person that has always taught me to love everyone regardless of where they come from or what their background is. As a result of this, She has also taught me to open my mouth and talk to everyone around me and share my thoughts and ideas with them. I feel I do that pretty well, but still not quite as well as she does. She deserves to have her day (especially for having to put up with me)... Happy Birthday Mom!


nicole said...

ahh that was sweet. Happy Birthday Mom. I love ya.

metcalfruf said...

ooohh and thanks to your sister for making her birthday present. You are a very good son to mom!!