23 April 2008


Sprint SERO... About a year ago, I came across a special cell phone plan from Sprint. The prices are too good to be true. The funny thing is, it is true. $30/month gets you:

500 Minutes
Unlimited Texting & PictureMail
Unlimited Web/Data
Sprint TV access
Unlimited Nights/Weekends starting at 7pm

The reason I am posting this is because I spent an hour on the phone with Sprint today trying to get all the details and the plan straight. It works. So, if you're in the market for a cell phone, check it out.


Chism said...

As a user of the service I have to agree that it works! Note for Sprint Users, keep a log of everyone you talk to and when. It will help possible Headaches

Angie said...

But doesn't Sprint have crappy coverage? I need your email address so I can add you to my blog. I tried to remember yours, but I don't know if it's right. kylemet@hotmail?