29 February 2008

28 February 2008

27 February 2008

26 February 2008

25 February 2008

24 February 2008

23 February 2008

22 February 2008

21 February 2008

20 February 2008

19 February 2008

18 February 2008

17 February 2008

16 February 2008

Disney Classics... I miss the old fashioned disney animation. I miss the songs and I miss the fun. I feel like they have been replace with video games. I saw a preview for the latest Pixar/Disney flick. It's about some robot that's been stranded. Everytime I see a preview for one of those movies, I am reminded of computer games. If I wanted to be entertained by computer animation, I would have stayed at work and created a cool looking spreadsheet or pie chart. I don't see these movies going away anytime soon, so I should be grateful that I am able to watch them on DVD.
15 February 2008
14 February 2008

13 February 2008

Remember slap bracelets?
Remember audio tapes?
Remember Tamagotchi Pets?
Remember when we didn't think music could get better than with a CD?
Remember life without a cell phone?
Remember Dial-Up internet?... for that matter remember AOL?
Remember ALF? Growing Pains? Full House? TGIF?
Remember MySpace? Just kidding.
Do you have any remembers?
12 February 2008

11 February 2008

10 February 2008

Music...Right now the Grammy's are playing in the background. I love music of all kinds. It's true I do like some more than others and that all depends on my various moods at the time. I just heard the duet between Alicia Keys and Frank Sinatra. Artists such as Alicia don't come around too often and a lot of times they go unnoticed amongst all of the "manufactured pop". So, I am glad to see that she is being rewarded with a hit record and some Grammy Awards. It's true that I enjoy a good "manufactured pop" single, and they get their reward through their radio airplay, but those with the true talent should be rewarded in the awards.
09 February 2008

Concerts in small venues... Apparently, blogger is not going to let me post my scan... Don't worry, I will keep trying. I went to a concert tonight at a small venue. The evening began with trying to find parking downtown during a Jazz game. After driving around to multiple lots we had to settle on the Gateway...lame. The concert was filled many awkward moments (we were able to count at least 10). The music was fairly good, but got repetitive/old after awhile. The night ended with a trip to Wendy's Drive-thru. Fast food at midnight is never a good idea, but in this case it was absolutely necessary.... I was starving. Wendy's needs to do something to improve that Snack Attack meal... It's basically a Kid's Meal without the frosty.
08 February 2008

Super Nintendo... I have never really cared for video games. I can't really pinpoint a reason why. It might have something to do with the fact that I am not really good at them, I lack all patience with them and I hate just sitting and staring at a TV screen for hours. Having said that, I really do enjoy Super Mario Kart for Super Nintendo. I do pretty good at that game. The Super Nintendo system was gaining a lot of dust rather than use....So, I gave it a try... I still suck at it, but I had a good time, and even a better time rambling about it.
07 February 2008

06 February 2008

05 February 2008

04 February 2008

D-Day... I was supposed to go to the dentist today.... or so I thought. As you can see from my scan, the dentist's office thought so too.... I guess it wasn't meant to be, because the receptionist called me this morning and was confirming my appointment for tomorrow. I corrected her and told her it was today at 9:50 am per the tooth sticker sitting on a calendar. She said that she must have written down the wrong date and time. I was annoyed because I had mentally prepared myself for a dentist appointment today NOT tomorrow.... Now, I have to re-prepare myself to go to the dentist. NOT HAPPY.
03 February 2008

02 February 2008

01 February 2008