17 June 2008


Best & Worst... Was i naive to think that I could actually have THE concert of the year go perfectly? Could I actually have the best of both worlds? Well, the quick answer is an emphatic no. I think I had put way too much expectation into this concert. But, here is what went wrong, in no particular order:

Lines - we had to wait in way too many lines.
Dueling Radios - While waiting in the too many lines, we had to listen to two radio stations battle for our ear's attention.
Chipotle Chicken Crispers - Love 'em, but I think I have IBS.
Ear plugs - I forgot to bring them.
E Center - They just suck, security sucks, bathrooms suck, sound sucks.
Late - The concert started more than a 1.5 hrs late!
IHOP- Because it started late, Rihanna thought it was ok to enjoy a short stack as we all waited in line.
Crowd - Full of the too young and the too old (who thought they were young)
GA - General Admission generally means there is no assigned seating, just because you had a "spot" 5 min ago, doesn't mean you have it now.
Breaks - While standing for 40 min in between performances we had to watch stupids sneak into the GA area.
Sound - Already mentioned, but the sound needed a major overhaul.
Water Bottles - Someone thought it would be ok to throw a water bottle at my sister's head... not cool.
1:30 AM - When I gave into my fatigue and said it's time to go home.
Next day - TIRED.

Having shared that with you, I still love all of the performers, own all of their albums, and will continue to listen to them and appreciate their energy (even though I had zero after all of the above).

1 comment:

nicole said...

Thank you for posting. You make me laugh. How was your pace bar?