19 June 2008


Celebrities... I met a celebrity last week. What's strange is, I was nervous. I have no idea why. I don't even know the person and they don't even know me. But, just as I was going up to get their autograph, I got sweaty palms and my heart started to beat. In reality, the celebrity seemed a little pensive about the whole thing too. Either way, they signed the poster and noticed the marker was drying out and asked, "Is that ok?" and I replied "Not really, but it will do." Hello?! I am an idiot. This person was willing to sign something for me and I was rude. So.... I am sorry.


Chism said...

It's better than looking psycho, and having the body guard reply, "No Hugs Please!"

Good Times

nicole said...

Who was the celebrity?

Sheryl Matthews said...

WHO WHO WHO?!?!?!?!