26 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 4)... I'll be honest, I didn't give this album the attention it deserved this week. Don't worry, I still followed the rules, but I didn't give any focus listening to lyrics or trying to memorize the parts where she sing/talks really fast (it's been a goal). I already liked the album, I didn't need to prove it to myself. If you have ever listened to this album you know that it is a far cry from the bubblegum pop days of "...baby one more time." The notable tracks include:

Me Against the Music (still a very strange concept, how do you compete with music?)
(I Got That) Boom Boom (this one is good listened to at a loud level)
Early Mornin' (Another example of a song where I can't really understand what she says)
Toxic (probably the top song (in my mind) of Britney's career, I could listen to this song on repeat and never get tired of it, I think this might just be my favorite pop song of all time, but I am not dead yet, so, who knows?)
Even other artists like it (I already know everyone loves Britney, they just refuse to admit it). Check out these covers of Toxic:

Yael Naim (she sings the "New Soul" song for the Apple Commercials)
Nickel Creek (Puts a bluegrass touch to the song)
Blowsight (Hard Rock - Not a Huge fan, but it's different, they do that annoying scream-O)

Outrageous (I enjoy this song, but I find the "Junkie Xl's Dancehall Mix" of this song to be better, which is surprising, because remixes rarely out do the original)
The Hook Up (A good jam, with a reggae vibe)
Brave New Girl (Every once in a while a filler on an album surprises you, this is one of them)
Everytime (Have you ever seen the video? This is just a sad song. She was crying out for help and no one cared)

As you can tell, I am at a loss for words for Britney. One more week to go....

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