18 December 2008


High Fructose Corn Syrup... I know you are all just dying to find out what I have to say about Britney's new album and concert, but that will just have to wait (the verdict is still out even though, we all know where I will side)... Anyway, tonight's blog is about my love for Betty Crocker and her amazing talents when it comes to make junk food with High Fructose Corn Syrup. So, I want to say thank you Betty. My personal favorite is Gushers. Do you know who else likes gushers? Hilary (no hugs please) Duff.... This is what she had to say about them (try to make sense of the transcript and keep in mind that she was probably 14 at the time:

Hilary: I really like these candies.
It’s really bad for you, they’re called “gushers,” and they’re, like, filled
with this liquid stuff, and they’re really, like –

Conan: Is it a gum, or just a candy?

Hilary: No, it’s — it’s like, it comes in a package, and it’s got,
like, little, it’s not like candy, but it’s definitely not good for you.
It’s like, gummy-type –

And that my friends is what a gusher is ... liquid gummy candy. So, instead of filling stockings with traditional candy, why not fill them with something that has some fruit (pears from concentrate and grape juice from concentrate). I promise you won't be disappointed.

30 November 2008


Ads...I've looked at a lot of ads this past weekend. I thought I would make the traditional trek to the black friday sales. I didn't. I don't regret it either, I got to sleep and that was worth more than getting a CD for $7 rather than $10. BUT, this morning I was inspired by this ad to go to the local Dollar Tree store in hopes of possibly seeing these 2 scary children. One friend commented that "they look like they are 50 but photo shopped to be 6." I happen to agree. I can't put my finger on the kid on the left, but the girl on the right looks like one of those annoying ladies on The View:Apparently, her name is Sherri Shepherd. Actually the little boy looks a lot like Meg Ryan. Strange, I know. Well, Happy Shopping to all of you in this crazy season.

27 November 2008


Thanksgiving... Today is Thanksgiving. I like Thanksgiving for many reasons. The primary reason would have to be that our country decided to always put it on a Thursday, which usually means you get to take Friday off too! Because it's just silly to come back from a Holiday only to work one day and go into the weekend.
I chose this scan for a couple of reasons:
1. Macy's is an American Institution
2. They host a Parade on Thanksgiving that is always way too long and has way too many commercial breaks and way too much lip syncing, yet I still love it.
3. This scan also shows Santa and it's a little symbolic of the Holiday season that will be ushering in tomorrow with Black Friday.
4. This scan is from an ad and I love to look at all the ads on Thanksgiving morning as I eat breakfast.

On this Thanksgiving, I want to thank all of my blog fans for reading this trivial mess.

24 November 2008


Happy Birthday Nicole... The beauty about Nicole's birthday is I have never been able to remember if it is on the 24th or the 25th. It's always been close to Thanksgiving and sometimes even lands on Thanksgiving. Only Nicole knows the significance of today's scan. It makes me laugh even thinking about it. Nicole is a great person, she knows it... everyone knows it. I know she thinks that because I didn't blog on her actual birthday that I forgot... Actually, it's a combination of many things, but mostly laziness. Scanning has become a tiresome practice and in these lean times I really wanted to conserve energy. Of course I am kidding, I really was just lazy and needed the perfect scan for such a cool person and I finally found it. The question was whether or not to put it up on the 24th or 25th??? How bout I back date it to the 24th but just know I actually did it on the 27th and your birthday was really on the 25th.
Happy Birthday Nicole and don't eat too much corn on Thanksgiving!!

21 October 2008


Britney's Back!... For all of you haters out there (especially those that were hatin during the hatin period)... Britney is back and she's on top... Number 1 on Billboard Hot 100 (making a record jump from #96), Number 1 single on iTunes, Number 1 Video Download on iTunes. That's all I got to say....

15 October 2008


Things that aren't funny... Well, for one, "The funnies." Why they are even get the distinction of "the funnies" is really beyond anything I can figure out. To some degree, it even disturbs me, because I am left thinking... "wow, someone out there is laughing at this??..I wonder who?" What makes this particular "funny" ironic... is the fact that the title is "F Minus." My sister refers to unfortunate events with the curse "F MINUS!!" So, in effect, this "funny" is actually deserving of an F Minus grade.

Another item that isn't funny and to some degree makes me want to puke is the tongue-and-cheek-look-at-modern-Mormon-life blog titled "Seriously, So Blessed." My other sister asked if I would check it out and find out why it is sooo incredibly popular... To that, I say... I have no idea... My guesses are: There are actually Mormon women out there that actually see themselves in the silly and retarded things that she carciturizes??? Ladies, if this is the case, please go out for a run and take a look outside. This "seriously, so blessed" blog is absolute trash, and what is even worse is that for every click you do on that blog, the he-she-Mormon-blog-phantom gets money.... THAT'S SICK!! Sure, he-she is out there blogging thinking to her-him self... I am so witty and people pay me for it... Don't let him-her think that!!

Oh, and to my sister who asked me to take a look at it......it is NOT funny... The-he-she-mormon-blog-phantom is on my (those we don't speak of) list.... Bad list to be on... sad for them.

14 October 2008


Happy Birthday Dad... I really wasn't going to do this because I have had about enough emotions for one week's time. However, My sister requested (sort of) and I can't refuse (and no, I didn't forget).
This will probably go down as one of the oddest Birthdays for my father that he isn't here for. The scan tonight is from my dad's favorite books... the scriptures. I have never met someone with such passion for learning as my dad has. I mean, I like to learn, but he likes to learn about things that really matter. Another great thing about my dad, is his unwavering faith and helpfulness. He'd do anything for anyone at anytime. He was very service oriented and fulfilled any assignment given to him to the fullest. But, as life seems to go, he isn't with us this Birthday... He isn't even here to tell us that he is actually one year older than he truly is, cuz that's what he does.

I thank you and I love you!

Here's to more birthdays Dad.

06 October 2008


Lauren Conrad... YOU ARE NOT FAMOUS!! Please stop pretending you are famous, cuz you are not! I have and will continue to scratch out your face and name out of every magazine, newspaper, mailing that ever comes through my house. I will continue to do this in hopes of forgetting your existence and that excuse for entertainment "The Hills." While on the topic of The Hills, what is the deal with that? I mean seriously, who are they kidding? I watched 10 min of that show the other night and I wanted to either throw the TV out the window or stab my eyes with some push pins. I urge all of you to discontinue the viewing of "The Hills" I would also ask you to join my quest to rid the world of Lauren Conrad.

26 September 2008


Politics… I had semi-successfully avoided this topic for quite sometime. But, it seems that in the wake of the current political storm that is brewing, I am in need of sharing my politcalness. So, where do I stand? Well, this is a difficult topic to address. I don’t consider myself affiliated with any party. I like that feeling. I have never felt that any party truly shares my views on how things should be done. As a result of this feeling… and since we are so obsessed with being affiliated with a party, I have created one, just in my head, but it’s real to me… I am a Republicratarion. What is a Repulicratarion? Well, our main philosophy is the FACT that all politicians suck. The reason that they suck (among other things) is that they have been in office too long. How long is too long? Anything over 1 term is too long. Repulicratarions are FOR term limits. We ask our party members to serve only 1 term and then get the H*LL out of office..Thank You. Republicratarians vote for people that cross multiple party lines, in hopes of getting a good mixture of thoughts, ideas, and ultimately some action through compromise and discussion. As we approach this coming election, we typically take a ballot… The first thing we do is scratch out all people on the ballot that are incumbents… We abhor incumbents (they go against everything we stand for). IF there is only one other person running for a particular office, that person gets our vote (Congrats)… If, however, there are more people running, we analyze the remaining candidates positions and try to find one that more closely aligns with our feelings…. OR, if we don’t agree with any of the remaining candidates, we write in ourselves, because after all, who better to align with our feelings than our own self. As always, I would appreciate your thoughts an comments on the issue. OHHHH…. One other final rule and this one’s very important…. We never look to Celebrities for their political views, They are pretty much out of touch with reality (even Britney Spears).

24 September 2008


Happy Birthday Mom... Today is my Mom's Birthday. It is tradition in our family to post many a notes all around wishing a Happy Birthday. While celebrating with my family, I decided to steal a sign my sister had made... Good Job Sis (you remembered). My mom is a special person that has always taught me to love everyone regardless of where they come from or what their background is. As a result of this, She has also taught me to open my mouth and talk to everyone around me and share my thoughts and ideas with them. I feel I do that pretty well, but still not quite as well as she does. She deserves to have her day (especially for having to put up with me)... Happy Birthday Mom!

21 September 2008


Kmart Contest... The results are in and we won and lost. About a month ago I saw a contest in a Kmart ad that required you create a commercial that shows your Back to School style and how Kmart helps you achieve your style... Anyway, I mentioned to a friend that we should submit something (thinking we could win based on no one wanting to take the time)... The funny thing is, I say a lot of things that don't actually happen... Little did I know we were actually going to do it. Admittedly, I started to get annoyed with the project, because it was taking longer than expected. In preparation for the contest, we went to Kmart and purchased $200 worth of merchandise and over a few days, we created the following commercial:

And so we entered our little video..and returned the $200 worth of merchandise (the receipt was scanned). I felt bad for the Kmart associate that had to help us with that whole ordeal.
A few days later we were informed that we had made it into the top 20, which qualified us for at least $250 each and a camera. We then had to go through this silly voting process that had no rules posted and were difficult for some to follow. I know a lot of you voted and I thank you for that... We didn't win the Grand Prize, but we were one of the First Prize winners which qualified us for $500 and a camera... So, Thanks to all that voted... Here is the lame Grand Prize Winner:
Nevermind, you have to find it for yourself, I am still bitter.

13 September 2008


Alarm Clocks... I hate the thought of my alarm clock going off in the morning... I love sleep, I have admitted it before. So, no need to re-hash that thought. Here's the problem, the alarm clock is so abrupt. It's like "HELLO!!! WAKE UP." And it sends a shock through my system... and let's face it, shock isn't good. Like alot of people, I have my alarm clock set to a radio station. Which only complicates the issue. I find "morning teams" to be disturbing and sometimes it gives me a headache. But the only other option is to listen to taht "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP" sound...Don't even get me started on trying to wake up to that. What am I to do? I need to wake up, but I am tired of waking up to an alarm clock.

08 September 2008


State Fair... I went to the State Fair this past week. I (heart) the fair a lot. Something about overpriced greasy food, greasy people, lemonade and elephant ears makes me really happy. Not to mention a thrilling ride down the big yellow slide. Some of my friends entered cooking contests and actually won. More about that can be found on Lisa's Blog. I was hoping to finish my masterpiece art project in time for the fair, but I missed it by two days. I was sad and left with the thought, "There's always next year." But, I said that last year...so, who knows? I couldn't write this blog without making mention of the great People Watching that is possible at the State Fair. This is completely different people watching than what can be found at the Arts Festival. The fair is filled with all those from the Arts Festival AND the hicks, the white trash, the carnies (scary), and salesman... If you haven't been, you need to go!

PS... Britney took home 3 VMA's last night!!!

Yeah, that's right, I dared to mention Britney again.

07 September 2008


Terms of Endearment... With 5 Academy Awards under the belt (including Best Picture), you would think a movie would actually be good. Terms of Endearment has all of that, but it is NOT good. It might just be one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen (The dumbest award is still currently held by "Miami Rhapsody"). You're asking, "Well, why would you watch that movie in the first place?"... Good question, there is multiple reasons, but above all else, I am not one to stick with one genre, and for heaven sakes it's apparently a "classic"... Why? I am still wondering... It wasn't even that sad (and yes, I have cried in a few select movies)... I didn't understand the plot, I didn't agree with any of the life choices... I was just flat-out annoyed and it just left me confused. I mean come on! She cheats on her husband, her husband cheats on her, the mother sleeps with the neighbor but has all these men that are always chasing her... what the??? OH, and how in the world does it have a PG rating??

This got me wondering what it was up against in the 1983 Academy Awards... "The Big Chill", "The Dresser", "The Right Stuff", "Tender Mercies"... I think I have seen "Tender Mercies"... another lame film.

06 September 2008


Kidney Stone... Ok, So where have I been these past couple of weeks? Well, part of my absence was caused by a little teeny tiny deposit in my kidney. I got a stinkin' kidney stone... It sucked! I woke up in the middle of the night to shooting pains... At first I thought it was caused by a visit to the Gym the day previous, but it felt so incredibly different than any other muscle being pulled. I went to the Emergency room and when I walked in, this is how the conversation went with the receptionist:

Receptionist: Oh good, you're here
Me: (confused and in pain) Ok?

Receptionist: Come this way, She's right in here

(At this point, figuring she's referring to a nurse or doctor, I follow her in to a room where a girl is sitting in a chair shivering and looks at me confused)

Me: I don't know who she is

The Girl: I don't know who he is
Receptionist: Oh, you aren't here for her?
Me: No.... I am here because I am in excrutiating pain in my back.
Receptionist: Oh, I am sooo sorry, lets get you in the next room.
Me: Thanks.

(They put me into a Pre-Observation Room)

Receptionist: So, what's wrong?

Me: I hurt real bad!!
Receptionist: Where?

Me: In my back, I think it might be a kidney stone (based on my dad's experience)
Receptionist: Could be a punctured lung, but I am not a doctor, what is your pain rating?

Me: 10! (I am about to fall out of the chair)

Receptionist: Are you nauseous?

Me: No (but then after she mentions it, I start to feel queezy)... Actually, I do feel nauseous. Receptionist: Oh, well we better get you a bag then.

(They take me to a room and the doctor pre-diagnoses without confirmation that I have a kidney stone, but I will need a cat scan in order to determine where and what size)

Nurse: Are you in pain?

Me: Yes

Nurse: Can you rate your pain?

Me: 10!!

Nurse: Ok, I am going to start you out with a shot of morphine

Me: Fine, whatever, please just something.

Nurse: We are going to need you to pee in this cup.

Me: Ok, fine (but not really) (The radiologist comes in)
Radiologist: I am here to take you to the cat scan.
Me: Ok, Hey, how long does it take for morphine to kick in, because I am still in a lot of pain!!
Radiologist: About 5 min.

(He wheels me to the cat scan and tells me to lay on the bed thing with my hands in the air, which is extremely difficult with a drip in my arm...)

Radiologist: Listen and do as the machine instructs

Me: Ok.. (barely breathing because of pain)

Machine: Please take a deep breath and hold it.
(Machine buzzes and I am more annoyed) Machine: You may breathe normally.
(At this point I don't know what normal is)
Machine: Please take a deep breath and hold it

Machine: You may breathe normally.

Radiologist: You are all set.
Me: Great, about how long does it take for morphine to kick in?
Radiologist: Are you still in pain?
Me: Yes!

Radiologist: What's your pain rating?

Me: Still a 10.

(He takes me back to the room and the nurse comes back)

Nurse: Are you still feeling pain?

Me: Yes.
Nurse: I can give you more morphine, do you want more morphine?
Me: Yes.

Nurse: What's your pain rating at?

Me: 10.

(He gives me another shot and I can start feeling the morphine begin to kick in... and I kind of like it.... For some reason I feel that I must call my sister at work... You'll have to ask her for the synopsis of how that conversation went our memories of the conversation are completely different from eachother)

(The doctor comes back and confirms that I have a kidney stone, instructs me to go home and rest and wait for it to pass into a hospital-provided filter)

(At this point, the morphine finally kicks in and I don't remember a whole lot)

03 September 2008


90210...Let the Fall TV Season begin... First things first, I watch too much TV, I know I have mentioned this before, but here is a refresher on shows that I watch regularly (that haven't been canceled...yet):

(I LOVE THIS SHOW, and I hate lawyers, go figure)
30 Rock
(if you aren't watching this show, you need to... Much better than The Office)
Samantha Who?
(Great Concept, hilarious characters, and no studio "canned" laughter)
Eli Stone (
Another great underrated show)
Brothers & Sisters (This past season started to get too "in your face" political)
Gossip Girl
(I have no excuse for watching, the repeating storyline perhaps???)
Ugly Betty
(Great Character development)
(Work in progress, more intrigued that they brought it back)
(I have absolutely no idea, i think it might be the terrible acting)
The Office
(This past season made me second guess my interest in this show)
Dirty, Sexy, Money
(It's been so long (thanks writer's strike) I can't remember)
The Riches
(First Season: Awesome Second Season: Too Dark, Too Much)
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
(Pure Junk, but I only have one more episode)

None of this would be remotely possible if it wasn't for the miracle of DVRs. Anyway, the point of this blog is actually 90210. Yep, I watched it... sue me. It was a typical drama....and like every other show on the CW, but it has Jennie Garth and the girl from Degrassi.

30 August 2008


Marci... It's my oldest sister's birthday today. Happy Birthday Marci!! I am sure it's difficult being the oldest in any family. You typically have to experience everything first, you have to go through report cards, dating, real life, kids, and other various growing pains. Marci has done a very excellent job doing this... Good Job Marci!! My love of music stems from Marci.
She taught me (directly/indirectly) that it's ok to like whatever music you want to... and it's even ok to like music that crosses multiple genres... in fact, it's even better that way!!
Last night, Marci informed me of some sad news, She told me that she drinks Pepsi... I was sad. However, just like her philosophy in music, I need to use that same philosophy when it comes to carbonated beverages... So, Marci, it's ok if you like Pepsi... I still like you (and Coke).

PS... I realize I have been gone from the blog world for awhile... More about that to come.

12 August 2008


Easy Cheese...I wish life were as easy as using Easy Cheese claims to be. I love this stuff. It's no mystery that I love cheese and its many by-products. Isn't it amazing that they put cheese into an aerosol can and they get to call it easy? I love to make designs on my crackers or put enormous amounts of it on celery... I'm bad, but can you blame me? It's just so easy. BE WARNED, they really mean it when they say "Do Not Refigerate." It ruins the entire can and you will never be able to get your cheese product to come out.... In fact, most likely, you'll break the spout and it will be lost forever..... Mmmm...Easy Cheese!

06 August 2008


Wedding Photo (Yikes!)... It's a Wednesday...which deserves a laugh for being in the middle of the week. I am really not sure how these two felt comfortable having this set of pictures on everyone's refrigerator's for a a month. I mean, come on now.... sunglasses? braces? nerdiness? If I didn't know any better (and I don't) I'd think these two were 12 and thought would be a "good idea" to get married.... whatever.

04 August 2008


DVD Labels... Someone in Hollywood deserves to have their Oscar for technical achievement taken away for coming up with the most annoying packaging known to man... DVD Labels/Stickers. GRRR!!! They have gotten worse than CDs. They sometimes have up to 3!!! and then they have those stupid plastic tags that have to be taken off in order to easily open the DVD. Thanks A LOT Hollywood. You sue us for watching YouTube videos, you treat us like toddlers with child-proof packaging, and you award yourself for acheivement.... Stupid!

03 August 2008


Britney Challenge (Binge & Purge)... If you read any of my last 5 week's blog entries, you know that I set myself to a challenge to listen to all of Britney Spears' studio albums (one album per week). Looking back, I consider this experience similar to a binge and now it's time to purge. I like numbers, so let's summarize (where possible) the past month in numbers:

On average I listened to each album 5 times.
  • Baby One More Time (11 Tracks, 42.4 Minutes)
  • Oops! I Did It Again (12 Tracks, 44.3 Minutes)
  • Britney (12 Tracks, 39.6 Minutes)
  • In The Zone (15 Tracks, 57.6 Minutes)
  • Blackout (14 Tracks, 50.7 Minutes)
Subtotals (64 Tracks, 234.6 Minutes)

Totals (5X) (320 Tracks, 1173 Minutes)

What this all means is I spent a lot of time listening to a lot of Britney Spears over the last month. What have I learned from all the pop intake? Nothing really, except for the fact that I can't listen to one "artist" for such a concentrated period of time. It makes my ears hurt. So, there is my purge. Thanks.

PS.... 1173 minutes is 19.55 hours...Yikes, I should have been reading.

02 August 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 5)... It's Britney Snitch! I made it to the end of my challenge. In the concept phase of this challenge I assumed it would be easy. In the middle it got difficult and by the end I felt I could throw up Britney. If you are looking to explore Britney's "music" career for yourself, I would definitely recommend beginning with Blackout. I thought In the Zone was my favorite album. I was wrong... Blackout is where it's at. I think this really stems from the lack of promotion on behalf of her record label. It makes the album a little more unknown and therefore not tired out.

Notable Tracks:

Gimme More (Great lead single with great beat, perfect to start a party)
Piece of Me (Britney's shout to the Paparazzi... "Are you sure you wanna piece of me?")
Radar (Another fantastic track)
Break The Ice (As the song's title insinuates, she is re-breaking the ice with her fans, because she knows "it's been awhile")
Heaven On Earth (This was the surprise track of the album, I had brushed it off as filler, but after a better listen, I ended up really liking this track. Particularly, the chorus)
Freakshow (Love the Beat)
Toy Soldier (If you like Gwen Stefani's more upbeat stuff, You'll love this song)
Hot As Ice (Just a fun song with goofy pop lyrics)
Ooh Ooh Baby (Keep on Dancin'!!)

What more can I say when I like more than half the tracks on an album? I know not everyone likes Britney (and that's ok) but if you like a fun pop song from time to time, give some of the tracks on this album a try.

29 July 2008


The Dark Knight... SPOILER ALERT I guess it's safe to talk about The Dark Knight, right? I figure everyone and their dog has seen it 3 times over again (or if you're lucky enough to have a bootleg copy you can watch it as much as you want). Wasn't it AWESOME?! If you didn't think so, don't answer the question (I am in an anti-haters mood). Here's my questions: Did you really think it was "that dark"? I was expecting it to be a Psycho-Thriller. I personally thought The Joker provided some much needed comedic briefings. Did anyone else have difficulty looking at "Two-Face"? I am glad that he died, because I couldn't watch a whole movie with that face. Along the "Two-Face" lines, Are these prequels supposed to link up in anyway to the other Batman movies? Cuz, that character doesn't really fit. Sadly, I never thought I could ever say this, but Katie Holmes-Cruise plays a better love interest than Maggie...so I am glad she's gone. I can't think of any other thoughts at this time... Thanks!!

28 July 2008


The Osmonds...This past weekend I went and saw The Osmonds in concert. It was hilarious. No really, it was hilarious. Look how old they are and they cam out on stage as though they were still 15. They still have decent voices (for their age). But those dance moves that were "cool" in the 70's are not cool in their 70's. Highlights of the concert were "Bad Apple" and "Yo-Yo." The reason for their highlightness?? Watching the Sign Language interepreter express the emotions of a 70's teeny-bopper song. Oh, another higlight? Marie Osmond in the "Ice Princess" dress. Kidding aside, The Osmonds are a pretty amazing family. Most entertaining families hate eachother by now. They come off as very genuine and with a desire to do their best and to honor their parents legacy. WTG!

27 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 5)... How fitting that her latest album (and the last for this challenge) is titled "Blackout." Many commentators and reviewers have joked that either Britney blacked herself out during the recording of this album or the record company did. They joke, because it's a great album. They are surprised that someone so out of it could put themselves together long enough to have done it. Well, she did. Now, the cover is terrible looking and looks like something I could create with the paint program that is pre-installed on your computer. So, joking and cover aside, this album should be enjoyable....or at the very least semi-enjoyable, because it is the last week of the challenge.

26 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 4)... I'll be honest, I didn't give this album the attention it deserved this week. Don't worry, I still followed the rules, but I didn't give any focus listening to lyrics or trying to memorize the parts where she sing/talks really fast (it's been a goal). I already liked the album, I didn't need to prove it to myself. If you have ever listened to this album you know that it is a far cry from the bubblegum pop days of "...baby one more time." The notable tracks include:

Me Against the Music (still a very strange concept, how do you compete with music?)
(I Got That) Boom Boom (this one is good listened to at a loud level)
Early Mornin' (Another example of a song where I can't really understand what she says)
Toxic (probably the top song (in my mind) of Britney's career, I could listen to this song on repeat and never get tired of it, I think this might just be my favorite pop song of all time, but I am not dead yet, so, who knows?)
Even other artists like it (I already know everyone loves Britney, they just refuse to admit it). Check out these covers of Toxic:

Yael Naim (she sings the "New Soul" song for the Apple Commercials)
Nickel Creek (Puts a bluegrass touch to the song)
Blowsight (Hard Rock - Not a Huge fan, but it's different, they do that annoying scream-O)

Outrageous (I enjoy this song, but I find the "Junkie Xl's Dancehall Mix" of this song to be better, which is surprising, because remixes rarely out do the original)
The Hook Up (A good jam, with a reggae vibe)
Brave New Girl (Every once in a while a filler on an album surprises you, this is one of them)
Everytime (Have you ever seen the video? This is just a sad song. She was crying out for help and no one cared)

As you can tell, I am at a loss for words for Britney. One more week to go....

23 July 2008


Bollywood... If you haven't experienced it, It will be difficult to explain, but I LOVE IT!!! Most (if not all) of the movies that hail from Bollywood (India's answer to Hollywood) are musicals. They aren't the musicals that we are used to. They don't shy from the fact that the musical numbers in the movies sometimes have nothing to do with the movie's story or that they are obviously lip-synching (because the voice never matches the actor's voice). Most of the music that is played on India's top radio stations come straight from these film's soundtracks. I know that the sound of the music takes some getting used to, but it is definitely worth it. One of my favorite Bollywood films is "Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham" (or K3G). Some of my favorite musical numbers are "Deewana Hai Dekho" and "You Are My Soniya" (Click on the links to view). If you ever get a chance to rent this film, do it! But, make sure you have a day to finish it, I haven't come across a Bollywood film that isn't at least 3 hours.

22 July 2008


Mayer Concert... Some concerts far exceed their expectations. First off, shout out to the Mom's out there that are able to let loose and have a good time. The concert started off with traffic, but not as bad as we all anticipated (a plus). We ate at Ab's Drive In, pretty good food, excellent Coke, and I didn't get sick (a plus) We got to park in the Carpool parking lot, which is actually worth it, because you are closer to the exit (a plus). We won some t-shirts (a plus). The ticket taking people made us shake out our blankets, that's lame (a negative). They make you walk all around the venue to get to the grass (a negative). We were able to spread out 10 blankets for 5 people (a plus). The sun was out, but it was HOT! (split). USANA has no real bathrooms to speak of, you'd think by now they would (a negative). The opening acts were very good and got us in the perfect mood including some dancing caught by the people sitting behind us Check It Out. They should have gotten more, but I can't complain, it's just that we look like idiots just swaying in the videos they have posted (split, but mostly a plus). Molly shaking hands with John Mayer (a plus). John Mayer is an excellent performer with much talent that can't be ignored (a plus). We took the opportunity to continue interpretting his music through dance. I swear you'd think we were drunk, but we weren't ( a plus). The Moms were convinced they had a secret way of getting out of the parking lot quicker by taking the Tahoe up and over this dirt mountain, it was fun, but the gate was locked (a plus for the fun factor). Listening to Newsies on the way home (a plus). The first Sonic Drive In who was out of bananas (a plus). The second Sonic Drive In who had bananas (a plus).... we had banana splits (a plus). Getting home in the same looney mood that we left in (a plus). Going to bed at 1 AM (a negative).... At least we had fun (a plus).

20 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 4)..."All My people in the crowd, grab a partner take it down!!" We've arrived at the peak of Britney's career to what I believe is her best album for various reasons that I can blog about later (as if you care). Britney [essentially] declares that she has taken on the entire world, but NOW she is going to take on music itself in "Me Against the Music." (As though music is a person that you can actually take on). She even goes as far as to take on a pair of inanimate speakers...."I'm up against the speaker, trying to take on the music, it's like a competition, me against the beat.... I wanna get in the zone!"

19 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 3)... I know what you're thinking... Kyle, you are still doing this stupid challenge? The answer is yes. This album comes with great confusion:

First, The album, Baby One More Time states that her loneliness is killing her.
Second, The album, Oops! I Did It Again states that she is stronger without anyone.
Third, This album, Britney states that she is a slave?? ... BUT then two tracks later she rationalizes again, that she is not lonely....and then again states that she can't live without boys in the track "boys."

No wonder Britney has the issues that she has. She can't even decide who or what she is or what she wants to be and makes that pretty clear in the song, "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman." Oh, well.

This album is completely different from the previous two albums. It included some good tracks that I became equally sick of due to over listening:

I'm A Slave 4 U (I love when pop artists replace words with numbers, I think it really highlights their creativity...This song also includes some slurred lyrics that I still can't figure out)
Overprotected (If I had a Britney Top 10, this track would definitely be included, I never got sick of it)
Lonely (listening the first time, it's good)
I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman (Britney's voice is not meant for singing, but pop sing/talk. She gets away with it in this song, because it has a decent melody that's easy to sing along)
Boys (I like this song and at the same time not, I think I like the remix better with Pharrell)
I Love Rock & Roll (Another great updated cover, I think this is her last cover)
Bombastic Love (What exactly is "bombastic"? I don't know, but it makes good pop.)
What It's Like To Be Me (I had no idea that Britney did a song with her former boyfriend Justin Timberlake, He isn't even credited as such, but he clearly is singing with her throughout the song, the song actually sounds like it belongs on NSYNC's "Celebrity" album. Justin showcases his semi-impressive-Blake Lewis copying-beat boxing skills)

PS... Thanks to a friend, just found out what Bombastic means. Check It Out.

18 July 2008


S'Mores... I decided today that I don't really care for s'mores. I like the components of s'mores separately, but not so much together. What I did discover, however, is that I like to burn things (not necessarily eat them after they are burned).... just to burn them. It's fun to play with fire. It's fun to be around other people as you are burning things, it's just not that fun eating the things that you can't seem to roast just right. My sister informed that it is quite a debate on the order of s'mores. Is it Hershey's chocolate then Kraft Marshmallows or is it Kraft Marshmallows and then Hershey's chocolate? Does it matter? Probably my biggest hangup with it all is that no matter the order, it's always gooey and sticky... nothing worse than gooey and sticky when there is no soap and water around.

16 July 2008


Boondoggle... I had thoughts of working at Summer Camp today. The many hours spent re-teaching myself how to do boondoggle, teaching it to 5-8 yr olds (not easy), becoming addicted to the art, and then ignoring the kids. Like most cycles, it was a vicious one. Sadly, I am back to having to re-teach myself how to do it...again. I (somehow) have all of these spools of boondoggle and nothing to do with them... It reminds me of one of my favorite songs from the musical, "Children of Eden." Here is an excerpt:

The spark of creation, may it burn forever
The spark creation, I am a keeper of the flame
We think all we want is a lifetime leisure

Each perfect day the same
Endless vacation
Well that's alright if you're a kind crustacean
But when you're born with an imagination

Sooner of later you're feeling the fire get hotter and higher

The spark of creation!!!

So, go out and create something!! Exercise the gifts and talents that God gave you and discover your spark of creation, for some inspiration, check out this girl singing Spark of Creation. She has an incredible voice.

15 July 2008


Mayonnaise vs. Miracle Whip... Which is it? Growing up it was always Miracle Whip, but it had to be the light variety. I don't know why, because my family was never the type to spend money on the diet sodas or light foods. I for one don't mind mayo or miracle whip. But to some, this is very important and makes a distinct difference. In fact they become quite heated about the topic as was displayed at work the other day. I will only eat one potato salad and that is my mom's potato salad. I think the true secret to her successful potato salad is the use of miracle whip light. She doesn't use a lot, but it is still delicious. So which is it in your households? Mayo or Miracle Whip. PS... Mayo ages weird and separates funny.

14 July 2008


Stain Remover... I know I have discussed stains, but did I mention how grateful I am for the removers that get rid of them? I really didn't. I spilled on my pants yesterday. It was semi-embarrassing. Only semi, because I don't usually care what others are thinking, but this happened at church. Yeah, church... Actually, thinking about it. Stains in life and stain remover have a religious undertone to them. Wow, I didn't really think about that till now. What's even more ironical is the fact that I attended a baptism....weird. Coincidence? I don't think so.

13 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 3)...It's only been 3 weeks?! For some things this month is going by fast and for other things it's going by slow. Is that a mattress in that pic? I am interested in this week's challenge. I have never really listened to this album (true story). I only know 2 or 3 songs from this album. It will feel like new material (but not, get it?). Here is to a new week! Have FUN!

PS... She looks like a meth addict...Maybe this was the beginning.

12 July 2008


Britney Challenge (Week 2)...Ok. So she starts off her debut, ...Baby One More Time, and her lonliness was killin' her (deeply). Just notice how far she has come after that? Now, She's stronger. This album is full of funny songs and even funnier interludes, one of my favorites is right after "Don't Go Knockin' On My Door," it goes a little something like this:

Britney & Friend: Hahahahahahahahaha
Britney: Ok, ok ok ok so listen listen, so then he goes no matter what I do for you it never seems to be enough... Eww I can’t believe he said that. You don’t think I'm like that do you?!?!
Friend: Well you are??
Britney: What?!?!? Don’t tell me you agree with him?! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
Friend: Well I mean everything was fine next it’s your freaking out it’s like you’re never satisfied.
Britney: Well I know I’m a little picky.. but, hey I just know what I want

And then she sings a cover of "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction." What this creates is pure pop hilarity. There are higlights on this album, however:

Oops!...I Did It Again
Don't Go Knockin' On My Door
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
What U See (Is What U Get)
One Kiss From You

I actually enjoy Lucky a lot. But, I still have difficulty with her enunciation of "lucky" and "lovely"... It's always a surprise as to which word she is going to sing.

For fun, I did a little mini tally of typical pop words found on this album:
Baby: 27
I: 225
You: 147
Oops: 5
Yeah: 45
Love: 25
Lucky: 10