31 January 2008


Floss... I went to the dentist this week. I have mentioned earlier my fear of dentists. Well, after the experience my fears are all still alive and well... I have 3 cavities... Did you get that? THREE!!! They convinced me of the advantages of flossing daily rather than my inconsistent every 3 days approach. So far, I have done it everyday, but it has only been 3 days. Also, I learned that I have a minor geographic tongue. If you know what that is, good for you, cuz I didn't. Anyway, moral to the story... brush with soft bristled toothbrush, and floss daily!! Back to the dentist on Monday for my cavities... sad.

30 January 2008


Snow/Winter... I am tired of it, and I can't take anymore. Bring on the sun, bring on the heat. I don't care if I complain too much on this blog. I am tired of wearing socks, sweaters, coats. I am tired of shoveling, scraping, and salting the sidewalk. I don't want to buy anymore windshield washer fluid. I don't want to spin out of control on the roads anymore. I don't want to hear the weather people tell me about a record snowfall... I don't care! I don't want it! WINTER: PLEASE LEAVE!!! (For all of you stressed out about whether or not these are my gloves, they aren't, so stop stressing)

29 January 2008


Lauryn Hill & Friends... Today I received a gift from a friend. It was my very own copy of the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. I love this album, but I have always just had a copy of it. I was even left an inspiring message concerning Ms. Hill, "A legend, a genius, and a Scary Clown!" Have you ever wondered whatever happened to Lauryn? She's pretty much disappeared from the scene in defiance of the corporate machine that the music industry has become. I am currently reading a book about the music industry, and I would have to agree with her.

28 January 2008


Hi... I needed something random to scan. The paper clips were conveniently located. I could go on and on about the usefulness of paperclips, but I really don't care to. Enjoy your day.

27 January 2008


President Hinckley.... Under the circumstances, I couldn't think of anything better to scan and have on my blog. What a great man. He used his potential for good to the fullest. He had an attitude towards life that was refreshing. I never got tired of listening to him speak. He leaves a legacy of faith that I can only hope to emulate in my own life.

26 January 2008


Starbury... Can you beat shoes that only cost $8.98 and come in a size 14?? I think not. That's is why I have bought two pairs and I am planning on buying more. Starbury shoes are sold exclusively at Steve & Barry's. I can't really describe the store. The store itself smells like the cross between a new carper and a hot glue gun. The store is full of a bunch of hits and misses. I guess it's their attempt at appealing to the masses. Having said that, I love these shoes because they get a lot of hilarious attention. You can't really tell by the scan but the shoes are shiny. One person asked me if i cleaned them with Windex. I just laughed and said, "I hope so."

25 January 2008


English... I have reading ADD. I haven't finished many books in my life.... It's not that I hate reading. I love reading. I read most of the newspaper almost daily. However, when it comes to books, I have difficulty with attention. The funny thing is, I may not actually be bored of the book, I am just bored of the idea having to finish the book. I have never been a fan of Fiction... I usually just don't get it. However, I have a lot of respect for those of you who like fiction and can get something out of it. As for me, when I am reading, I want to learn something or about someone. Which brings me to my scan. One of the books I have been able to read is "The Stories of English". I am not sure what it is that fascinates me abou tthe English language. I think it may have something to do with my inquisitive mind that asks too many questions: Why do we say that word? or Why do we spell the way we do? What is the origin of the reason I speak the way I do? Anyway, I have a read a few books on the topic, and I still find it interesting. My fanily thinks its weird, but I guess if it is interesting to me, that's all that matters, right?

24 January 2008


Nieces/Nephews.... This is a work of art sitting on the fridge. It is the work of Brady. Brady is 3 (pronounced "thfree"). Pretty good circles correctly placed for a little guy that is 3. I love my nieces and nephews. Do they drive me crazy? You bet. But, they are able to put life into perspective that isn't possible as an adult. I find it very refreshing and at most times enlightening.

23 January 2008


Smile... I went to institute tonight. As we were reading the scriptures, I came across this smile. It made me smile as well. These are my thoughts for the day... Peace.All.Smile.

22 January 2008


Skating... Last night I went rollerblading at Classic Skating. The stamp on my hand says V.I.P. I didn't feel like one last night. I skinned my knee which I haven't done since I was .... maybe 10. Someone (I think intentionally) spilled/spilt water on the skating area... and sure enough as I was skating and getting into the music (I believe the song was "misery business") I completely slipped and slid right into the edge of the rink... I smacked the floor hard. It's a long ways to go for someone of my height. I just had to laugh at myself as some guy says to me, "Didn't you see the water?!" ... I responded... "No, dummy.... It's dark and the floor looks like it has water all over it!".... Jerk! Anyway, they refused to play my song request. And so, two morals to the story... 1. Don't go to Classic Skating 2. Be grateful for Lysol disinfectant spray to clean out used skate rentals.

21 January 2008


Felicity... One of my first crushes was Keri Russell. I still have a crush on her. I love the show Felicity. Her awkward approach to college and life in general is hilarious and speaks a lot of truth to the young adult culture and our sometimes crazy/retarded approach to life. My favorite scene in the first episode is when she is trying to explain to Ben why she came to the same college as him and she says the phrase, "First of all, let me just preface this with..." she goes on to explain that she came to that school to follow him. Anyway the awkwardness in the scene is hilarious.
There is another scene where she is explaining to her parents why she is going to stay in New York... and as she is explaining she looks down at a set of keys that has a panic button. Sometimes, like the character, I wish life had a panic button for those crossroad moments when you aren't sure what to do, but your heart knows exactly what to do.... but then, you aren't sure if you should ignore your heart.
How life can be so confusing and yet make sense at the same time is a mystery to me... but it works.

20 January 2008


Teeth... I need to go to the dentist. I am positive I have a cavity on my back tooth. I hate hate hate the dentist. I don't know if its the smell, the drilling, the talking when I don't feel like talking, or a combination of all things, but I just hate it... I wait till I absolutely have to go. This is a silly thing to do. If I could convince myself of the minimum every 6 months, I probably wouldn't have any issues. But, alas, I now have a cavity and now I have to go.... Grrrr... the shots don't even work on me... oh, the pain..... Don't Forget to Floss!!!
By the way, what is it with dentists asking you life questions (like a therapist) when he has a bunch of instruments in your mouth??

19 January 2008


IKEA... what an odd place. Today, I went to meet some friends from high school for lunch... at IKEA. I have heard plenty about their infamous meatballs. They were good, but 15 of them was too much!! But, what could I do? It was a better deal to buy the macaroni & cheese/meatball combo (with a side salad). It also included some (icantremember) Jelly. Anyway, I am really glad I went. There are some people in my life that I am glad that I know and feel comfortable to associate with. Back to IKEA...its big!! and you can get 6 cinnamon buns for $4... and they are tasty!! Come to think of it, the reason we were at IKEA is so that Alli could buy a duvet cover.... and she thought she could pull a fast one on me... What she doesn't know is I am not Nata.

18 January 2008


Late Show.... I only have one thing to say: David Letterman is a funnier person than Jay Leno.

17 January 2008


Pepto Bismol... The pink stuff is my best friend!! I think I may suffer from IBS. Not really, but possibly... My real problem is I like to eat relatively fast... and when I eat I take in a lot of fluids at the same time.... This upsets my stomach and the only thing that calms my stomach is my pink friend. I prefer the liquid, but the pills will do the trick as well. I remember years ago when I was about 8, I went to St. George to stay with my aunt. My family was coming down later, long story shorter... I got homesick. My aunt told me that Pepto Bismol would help my homesickness..... I had never felt more comforted.
Thanks Proctor & Gamble (the manufacture and distribute the goodness)

16 January 2008


Concerts...I realize today's scan looks a lot like yesterday's scan.... It's not the same so you can breathe now. Tonight I went and saw One Republic. As I was sitting there listening to the music it got me thinking about all of the people I have ever seen perform... I was trying to remember. Here's my list, and I am almost positive I am going to have to amend this list as time goes on:
Gwen Stefani (2 times)
Black Eyed Peas
Lady Sovereign
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Jack's Mannequin
One Republic
The Daylights
Ivy League
Eric Hutchinson
Dashboard Confessional
Colbie Caliat
Mandy Moore
Rachael Yamagata
Jessica Simpson
Ryan Cabrerra
Celine Dion
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Barenaked Ladies (2 times)
Britney Spears (sort of @ Utah State Fair)

More to come...

15 January 2008


My wallet... I have a lot of things in my wallet I didn't even realize I had:


2 Credit Cards

1 Bank Card

UofU Student ID Card

Insurance Card

Carnival Cruise Line Card

Walt Disney World Key to the World Card

Royal Caribbean Card

AT&T Calling Card

Subway Card

SL County Library Card

SL City Library Card

Jamba Juice Gift Card

Cafe Rio Stamp Card

What's in your wallet? You'd probably be surprised.

14 January 2008


Music... I own a country CD. If you know me, this should come as a surprise to you all. Why? for the most part, I really don't appreciate country music. In fact, when i bought this CD at Media Play back in the summer of 1997, I was embarassed and I had my oldest sister buy it for me. But, why should I be embarassed? I liked it. That is my point. It is really difficult to criticize someone's music taste, because there is a fan for all types of music. Music is such an individual experience for everyone. I may get stomething out of a song that someone else does not get. But, I do know that music has some universal way of evoking emotions for everyone... happiness, sadness, excitement, anger, etc.
So... before you go dissing someone's music taste, you may want to look at your own and discover you aren't much different. Besides, you may discover that you actually like it too... Just like me and Toby Keith (particularly Track 4 "Jacky Don Tucker (Play By the Rules Miss All the Fun)")

13 January 2008


Board Games... or should I say "BORED" games. Games in general are annoyingly boring.. Sure, they might start out as fun, but they quickly turn out to be outrageously not fun. I don't know if it's the fact that I have difficulty wasting time just sitting there having Milton Bradley tell me what fun is...or if it has to do with the fact that I don't like to lose. Do you have a favorite game? I'll tell you one game that really really bothers me... Settlers of Cataan.... GRRR!! I throw my F.O.F. (fist of fury) at that game.

12 January 2008


Fortunes... Today, I ate a fortune cookie from last night's take-out from the Hunan Express. It was delicious food. I contend it's the best American-Chinese Takeout in this area. Fortune cookies are a funny thing... Usually they are fairly lame, but I find this one to be sheer hilariousness. It wasn't really a fortune, but more or less a pat on the back!! and for that I say thank you to my fortune cookie.... nuff said.

11 January 2008


Smelly lotion...hate it! Why? It never smells like what it claims to smell like, It always leaves a greasy feelling, The smell is always so overpowering and I always know when someone has put it on, especially at work, and that just irritates me!! And, you don't want to irritate me, especially when I am hungry.

You may be asking yourself, "But Kyle, lotion serves a great purpose to moisturize." You are correct in your assumptions... Lotion does help, but we aren't talking about lotion here, we are talking about smelly lotion.

I can still remember Christmas time in High School.... the halls would smell like a potporri of smelly lotion, because it seemed that every girl was giving and receiving it as a gift... It was one big smelly lotion exchange.

These are my thoughts...

SIDE (semi-interesting) NOTE: I typed this blog with gloves on!!

10 January 2008


Hats...Wow! I made it to the double digits. That has to be quite an accomplishment. I sometimes don't even make it to double digits in books. Now back to the scan. Hats. I like hats... mostly. But, at the same time I don't. I have an unusually large head. Fitted hats tend to give me a headache, but I like the shade and the look that a hat provides. It really does cause for quite a predicament. Here are some questions I have regarding hats:

1. Why are we not supposed to wear hats inside? What makes them so improper?
2. Why do people continue to wear hats after they have already been stained by their sweat and they become discolored?
3. Is it OK for a person to wear a hat that doesn't match anything else they are wearing? Or is that only appropriate for males?
4. What is with keeping the sticker on the bill of hats?

5. Why does my head itch every time I wear a hat?

I don't like hats with that snappy thing in the back... something about he plastic and the snappy sound it makes bothers me... Also, it usually is on those hats with the mesh on the back... and that just makes my head itch more.

My Grandpa Metcalf almost always wore a hat, only I am not sure if you can call it wearing, he merely set the hat on his head at a tilt.... oh, the memories.

Oh, and one last thought.... don't you love the word "sombrero". Who can forget the Urban sombrero from Seinfeld?

Suggestion: When your hat develops a smell or that sweat ring, get rid of it.

09 January 2008


Fiji.... Today as I was talking on the phone with DirecTV, we (the operator and I) were waiting as my reciever reset. She was from North Carolina and was talking about how warm it was (approx. 70F). I told her how I miss winters in Fiji. Of course, winter in Fiji takes place during our summer. The nice thing about winter in Fiji is that the weather changes by maybe 2 degrees. It's absolutely lovely all year round. Yes, it can get warm, but I cope with heat more than I can cope with the cold. Is snow good? Yes, as long as it is in December. It is January now, and I am ready for something new, I am ready to wear shorts, flip-flops and a t-shirt, just like the lucky lady at DirecTV. Quite honestly, it would be fun to play a round of golf with my dad.
If you were wondering, this picture was taken in Sigatoka (pron: Sing-a-toke-a), Fiji. This is the way the sun would rise and greet me each day. Most of the time I took it for granted, but on this particular morning, I used it to my advantage.

08 January 2008


The Library... Who ever came up with libraries was an absolute genius. I for one, love the library. I have many reasons why. It's usually always clean, the books/CDs/movies are "free" (cuz, i currently don't pay any property tax), and there is always great people watching at the local library. Here's a secret... the best people watching in the library are the librarians themselves... What an odd crew. You have to be pretty odd to be a librarian, and I have to imagine with self-checkout, they are a dying breed.
At any rate, the library rocks!! Ever since I had a CD burner on my computer, the library has supported my growing music library (Side Note: You've got to put the new CDs on hold before they actually come out to ensure that you get a good copy).

The reason for this blog is the fact that I have a book that is overdue that I have been too lazy to take back. I have re-checked it out 3 times, which is the max. Actually, I have had the book for 6 months. That's how long it took me to read it... but I did in fact finish it. It was a good book... I am sure I will blog about it on some later date.
I have my library card memorized. They keep trying to get me to get a new card, because the barcode is almost non-existent on it... I refuse.

07 January 2008


My Coke Rewards... Actually, this whole blog I think has a lot more to do with my inability to make decisions than it does with My Coke Rewards.

However, having said that... I started doing MCR about 2 years ago... I have purchased one thing with the points since I started. I just keep thinking that something better will come along. Or, I will want to purchase something that requires more points.

I feel the same way with my money. When I am about to make any purchase I weigh all the alternatives. I tend to do some sort of cost analysis. I try to figure out how many uses I will get out something and then break down the costs to a use.... Is this crazy? Of course it is, but that's me. On top of all that thinking, I can almost successfully talk myself out of buying just about anything.

I resolve from this day forward to use My Coke Rewards points.... hopefully, it will be toward something good.. :)

06 January 2008



It was asked of me as i scanned today's entry. "Are you scanning your cell phone?" As though scanning my cell phone is silly.... Why is that silly? I did pepperoni.

Anyway, today's thoughts are about Customer Service... particularly Sprint's Customer Service... or the lack thereof. It almost makes me laugh as I write this, because Sprint is having major customer retention currently... In fact they have the highest churn rate (ratio of customers coming vs. customers leaving)... What is even more interesting is that Sprint has a fine product. Their data/voice services are excellent... But, this isn't about their high points... this is about their lack of customer service.

This past month, i convinced a friend to switch to Sprint... it was a no-brainer, because he is with T-Mobile... and they just suck! Anyway, We started this process before Christmas and he just got his phone activated today. This has only happened after yelling, screaming to about 20 people, having various mysterious charges on a credit card, and being told "you can hang up now." You would think that their newest customers would be important to them... not so much.

Like a lot of companies, Sprint outsources their customer service overseas and as such it comes with many problems.... Their representatives are almost always too difficult to understand, they can never understand the problem and you get transferred at least 3 times per phone call.

The moral of the story is.... for consumers: if you are looking for a cell phone company to be at your beckon call... Sprint is not for you. However, if you are looking for high quality voice/data services, Sprint is an excellent choice (I, for one, have been very satisfied). For Sprint: They better do something quick or they will continue to lose customers to other companies.

SIDE (semi-interesting) NOTE: Sprint is #3 in total customers, after AT&TWireless/Cingular/AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

05 January 2008


Tonight I went to the Utah Symphony.... beautiful performance.... but my stomach kept growling and it always seemed to be at a quiet part.

I really enjoy the symphony and I should probably go more often... Although, I wish the seats were recliners with pillows... I would love to sleep or atleast close my eyes and drift away as they play thier music.

04 January 2008


I love pepperoni.
That's really all I have to say. Although, I must make mention that as i was waiting for the scanner warm up.... I took notice of the Nutrition Facts. Please be advised that out of 14 slices of pepperoni there is 13g of fat..... that's like 1g of pure goodness per slice!!!
I can eat pepperoni so many different ways.... on sandwiches, pizza, in between cheese, plain, with some mustard... You name it, I can probably eat it.
Have you ever made a personal pizza with a tortilla? Its a nifty little snack... take a tortilla, slap some pizza/spaghetti sauce on it, then layer it with cheese and triple layer it with pepperoni.
Another advisory about pepperoni..... Make sure you have some good chewing gum after, cuz your breath is probably going to stink.
STUFFY NOSE UPDATE: It's still stuffed!

03 January 2008


ok, so today's scan is all about stuffy noses. It was going to be something else, but today I have a stuffy nose. There is only 3 things that could help my stuffy noses:

1. Mucinex

2. Nasal Spray

3. 2 firecrackers stuffed up my nostrils

I don't think the third one would ever actually work, but it would be nice for a quick fix.

Also, you should know that i hate stuffy noses... I can't sleep...and i sound like L.D.B..

02 January 2008


Well, so much for my fine ideas. How cool would it be to have a "scan of the day"? This blog was supposed to be a sidebar to a friend's blog, but I just don't see them actually putting it together. Anyway, this is my first post. Like most New Year's resolutions, this one comes a day late. I was supposed to start yesterday so I could have a scan for everyday.

So, anyway, this is a scan of Molly's ideas for car purchases.... excuse me, truck purchases. It was sitting on the computer desk, so I figured how appropriate?

Molly, will stress and stress over this car [truck] purchase for the next month or so... or until it finally happens, I imagine she will lose sleep and might even have some breakdowns about the final decision.

UPDATE: Apparently (sp?) Blogger's image uploader is having issues, so I will have to post the scan another time [which is totally going to defeat the whole purpose of this blog].

UPDATE TO MY UPDATE: It's working now.