11 January 2008


Smelly lotion...hate it! Why? It never smells like what it claims to smell like, It always leaves a greasy feelling, The smell is always so overpowering and I always know when someone has put it on, especially at work, and that just irritates me!! And, you don't want to irritate me, especially when I am hungry.

You may be asking yourself, "But Kyle, lotion serves a great purpose to moisturize." You are correct in your assumptions... Lotion does help, but we aren't talking about lotion here, we are talking about smelly lotion.

I can still remember Christmas time in High School.... the halls would smell like a potporri of smelly lotion, because it seemed that every girl was giving and receiving it as a gift... It was one big smelly lotion exchange.

These are my thoughts...

SIDE (semi-interesting) NOTE: I typed this blog with gloves on!!

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