08 January 2008


The Library... Who ever came up with libraries was an absolute genius. I for one, love the library. I have many reasons why. It's usually always clean, the books/CDs/movies are "free" (cuz, i currently don't pay any property tax), and there is always great people watching at the local library. Here's a secret... the best people watching in the library are the librarians themselves... What an odd crew. You have to be pretty odd to be a librarian, and I have to imagine with self-checkout, they are a dying breed.
At any rate, the library rocks!! Ever since I had a CD burner on my computer, the library has supported my growing music library (Side Note: You've got to put the new CDs on hold before they actually come out to ensure that you get a good copy).

The reason for this blog is the fact that I have a book that is overdue that I have been too lazy to take back. I have re-checked it out 3 times, which is the max. Actually, I have had the book for 6 months. That's how long it took me to read it... but I did in fact finish it. It was a good book... I am sure I will blog about it on some later date.
I have my library card memorized. They keep trying to get me to get a new card, because the barcode is almost non-existent on it... I refuse.


lpettey said...

This year I have also come to know the benefits of having a library card. The past 3 months I've checked out more movies, cd's, and books than I ever have before. Love it! I especially love putting the item on hold and just going to pick it up. I walk in and out in less than 5 minutes. It's great. As a matter of fact I'm going there today to get the first season of Felicity.

Chism said...

This comment is not about your blog... but I love the FOB song you have on your player! It's orchestrated

MollyEmma said...

I heart the lib.
