13 January 2008


Board Games... or should I say "BORED" games. Games in general are annoyingly boring.. Sure, they might start out as fun, but they quickly turn out to be outrageously not fun. I don't know if it's the fact that I have difficulty wasting time just sitting there having Milton Bradley tell me what fun is...or if it has to do with the fact that I don't like to lose. Do you have a favorite game? I'll tell you one game that really really bothers me... Settlers of Cataan.... GRRR!! I throw my F.O.F. (fist of fury) at that game.

1 comment:

MollyEmma said...

Earlier, before I couldn't remember what my password was and therefore couldn't post my response, I wrote a really good response about Settlers of Catan.
It sounds like "Red Ships of SPAIN" on The Best of Will Ferrel. Doesn't it?