20 January 2008


Teeth... I need to go to the dentist. I am positive I have a cavity on my back tooth. I hate hate hate the dentist. I don't know if its the smell, the drilling, the talking when I don't feel like talking, or a combination of all things, but I just hate it... I wait till I absolutely have to go. This is a silly thing to do. If I could convince myself of the minimum every 6 months, I probably wouldn't have any issues. But, alas, I now have a cavity and now I have to go.... Grrrr... the shots don't even work on me... oh, the pain..... Don't Forget to Floss!!!
By the way, what is it with dentists asking you life questions (like a therapist) when he has a bunch of instruments in your mouth??


Chism said...

Is it bad if a dentist asked me what I was doing for the upcoming weekend, and I lied and told him I was going to see Fergie in Las Vegas?

The Hygenist thought is was cool, but the dentist thought I was a heathen!

Henpenney said...

Kyle, I had no idea you know Marta, my favorite Dansey-in-law (except, maybe, for Ray). Are you as embarrassed as I am that I found your blog?

I wanted to be a dentist for about a week and then my mom reminded me that you'd have to look at gross teeth all day and a bowed out. Thanks mom.

Michael Scott Henriksen
(that dude from your ward)